Tuesday, December 23, 2008

NEW official website

The Cherokee Road Runners organization has given Louisville's Lovin' the Hills to Headfirst Performance. The new official website is found at 2009 LLTH. The old site was 2008 LLTH.

The Trail Store will be conducting training runs in the Jefferson Memorial Forest every Sunday morning at 8:00. To find out where to meet each week, contact the store to get on the running group email list. There will also be tempo road runs from the store location every Wednesday morning, starting January 7, 2009 at 5:30 PM EST. The 1st training run in the Jefferson Memorial Forest will be at the Welcome Center at 11311 Mitchell Hill Road on Sunday, December 28.


tim barnes said...

Is the Yost loop really 6.7 miles? GPSed?
Great Blog site for the race!!

ed said...

According to GPS, the Yost (Yellow) Trail from Holsclaw Hill Road & back is 5.5 miles. Measured with a wheel it came out to be 5.85 miles. With the 1 mile of roadway to & from the Start area, the "2nd loop" of the course measures anywhere from 7.5 to 7.85 miles. I've just updated the trail descriptions/mileages -- Thanks!